Although there is not the slightest similarity between Tina Turner and Silvio Berlusconi in any respect, apart from the fact that they have both lived on the same continent for the last few decades, their passing two weeks apart has drawn my attention to the astrology of the critical year, especially because I have written about both of them earlier on my blog.
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Book your consultationIn the analysis titled "Uranus and the call for freedom," I delved into Tina Turner's natal chart and personal challenges. Some ten years ago, in the aftermath of Berlusconi's time in office, during his tax fraud trial, I wrote an article entitled "Berlusconi and Pluto-Uranus square." You can follow the links in the titles to read these articles.
Before I proceed with the analysis that highlights astrological symbolism surrounding this specific life event, I would like to clarify that we never use astrology to predict death. The main objective is to identify possible health concerns beforehand and encourage proactive health-supportive measures.
"Silvio Berlusconi passes at age 86"
On 12th June, Silvio Berlusconi, the controversial former Italian head of state, entrepreneur, and media mogul, passed away at 86 due to complications related to chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. He had been hospitalized for 45 days two months earlier when it was revealed that he had been battling this chronic illness. Considering his age and prior health problems, the solar return for 2022 does not look good.
Critical illness in the current solar return
The solar return horoscope warns of serious challenges to his health in this solar year. Saturn, the ruler of the 6th house of diseases, is strongly positioned in the angle and in close opposition to the Ascendant, which represents the state of health. In addition, Uranus squares Saturn and the Ascendant and opposes the Moon, another important significator related to health issues. Even though the Sun rules the Ascendant in the solar return, Jupiter, the ruler of the 8th house of death, opposes it. The three hylegical points are debilitated in this horoscope.
In addition, Mars, which rules the 4th house of endings and the point where the Sun is at its lowest, trines Saturn. And finally, Pluto in the 6th house can aggravate health problems.
In January 2023, as Uranus became stationary direct at 15 ° Taurus, it opposed the solar return Moon. As Uranus reached its initial position in the solar return in mid-May 2023, it squared Ascendant and Saturn, activating the health crisis.
Reiteration of the health crisis theme
The juxtaposition of Berlusconi's natal chart and the solar return shows a reiteration of the same theme. The maleficent Jupiter from solar return opposes Berlusconi's natal Ascendant and the Sun, attacking the health. The MC of solar return falls in the 8th house of death precisely upon natal Uranus. The solar-return Mars squares the natal Saturn and Moon, both placed in the 6th house of illness. Furthermore, Mars opposes Jupiter, the natal ruler of the 6th and the dispositor of Saturn and the Moon. All of these factors point toward the aggravation of the disease. In addition, the transiting Pluto from the 6th house of the solar return squares the natal Venus, which rules the 8th house in the radix.

The profection for Berlusconi's 86th year of life also shows strong connections between the 6th, 8th, and the 1st house, strengthening arguments for a severe health crisis and bringing Jupiter forward as the relevant accidental malefic planet for this year.
Against such astrological background, it is viable to expect a critical year.
Tina Turner's last Solar Year
Tina Turner passed peacefully on 24th May 2023 at 83, after years of battling different health issues. The solar return for 2022 shows angular Jupiter placed precisely on the cusp of the 7th. Jupiter is the accidental malefic by its rulership over the 6th and the 4th house in the solar return and opposes the Ascendant. Jupiter also brings in the connotations of death from its rulership over the 8th natal house and its placement in it.
Mars, the ruler of the 8th house of death, squares Jupiter. Although the square between Jupiter and the Moon in the 4th house of the return chart is wide and separating, it reiterates the moribund theme. Solar-return Saturn is placed in the 5th house but connected to the 8th house theme by the square with Uranus and trine with Mars.
The Return of Uranus and Jupiter as a spiritual theme of liberation
The juxtaposition of the natal chart and the solar chart shows a twofold return for Tina Turner in her final year: the Uranus return and the Jupiter return. Uranus brings connotations of illness through its placement in the 8th house of solar return and its square to transiting Saturn. Solar Saturn opposes the natal Ascendant and squares the Sun, the ruler of the Ascendant. As the natal ruler of the 6th, transiting Saturn underpins deteriorating health. And the return of Jupiter as natal ruler of the 8th house stresses the severity of illness.
It's interesting that spirituality played an important role for Tina Turner during her final days. Reports suggest that she received Buddhist guidance during that time. According to her natal chart, the placement of essentially dignified Jupiter in the 8th house indicates a strong connection between spirituality and the theme of death.
The profection for her 83rd year of life shows mutual reception between Jupiter in Aquarius in the 8th house and Saturn in Pisces in the 9th house, which again describes the spirituality on the deathbed.
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