You are about to read about:
• Success and fame in Johnny Depp's natal chart
• The astrological background that led up to his relationship with Amber
• How negative media coverage reflected the astrological influences at play
• The Uranian signature of his risky legal strategy
• The significance of Saturn Return in his horoscope
• Horoscope of the Depp vs Amber Heard defamation trial
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Astrological consultation with Tanja Ristovski.
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As many have probably noticed, and I undoubtedly have, Johnny Depp has been lately in the spotlight for entirely different reasons. The defamation lawsuit he filed against his ex-wife Amber Heard was streamed online and attracted much public attention, at least on YouTube, where many watched the trial live. The lawsuit ended with the verdict that Amber Heard maliciously defamed Johnny Depp. The subject of the lawsuit was the article Heard published in the Washington Post in 2018, in which she claimed, without mentioning Johnny Depp by name, that she had been a victim of domestic violence while married to him. Until the court hearing in 2022, he had not publicly commented on the claims that have undermined his reputation and led to the cancelation of several roles in Hollywood films. The lawyers representing Johnny Depp have explained in several interviews that they fought for the trial to be streamed publicly because Depp saw it as a chance to speak for himself and give his perspective on the allegations.

Photo Credit: Emily D. Baker, YouTube Kanal
At the risk of being labeled voyeuristic, I admit that I watched the entire hearing on the live stream with comments from several attorneys (1). That's how I learned that Heard's allegations began as soon as she filed for divorce because she simultaneously filed for a restraining order in 2016 to protect herself from Depp's alleged attacks (2).
Immediately after the trial, Amber Heard and her team appeared in television interviews and made intense efforts to challenge the verdict. Unfortunately, most media outlets in the U.S. seem to take their statements at face value and have adopted their narrative. The media denounce the jury and cite misogyny, Johnny Depp's celebrity, and the court procedures as reasons for the verdict. They also reiterate Heard's team's claim that this trial is about the fundamental rights of all Americans and about Freedom of Speech (3) and that women victims of domestic violence are disadvantaged by the judgment, which is a severe blow to the #MeToo movement. Because Amber Heard was acquitted of her alleged victimhood, the argument goes that female survivors of domestic violence will be no longer believed. And I can't help feeling that these journalists didn't bother to research the trial and that such generalizations based on gender and conclusions based on them are a caricature of political correctness.
The interconnectedness of events
So I got curious to look at this infamous lawsuit in the context of Johnny Depp's reputation and also to take a look at the horoscope of the trial. Unfortunately, because no birth time is available for Amber Heard, I can't analyze her horoscope in this context.
Individual astrological assistance
Get personal astrological consultation with Viennese astrologer Tanja Ristovski. Explore your birth chart, horary astrology, and your individual annual horoscope . Online consultations available.How can we recognize life events in astrology? First, we must never forget the birth chart as a point of reference and that we have possibilities for development and creation. Even though events are sometimes beyond our control and develop a life of their own, significant changes usually result from many smaller decisions we make along the way. The degree of difficulty of the obstacles usually depends on them. In this analysis, we will see how areas of life that are separate at first glance can form a synergy and have a powerful effect.
Success and fame in the birth chart: Venus and Sun in the appropriate positions

Birth data: 9 June 1963, 8:44 CST, Owensboro, Kentucky. AA Astrodatabank
What astrological indicators can we identify in the birth chart of Johnny Depp? It shows Venus as the ruler of the 10th house, and since she is in both Domicile and Triplicity, she is powerful. This is already a positive testimony and promises popularity. Venus is conjunct Mercury, the ruler of the 11th house of approval and appreciation. Venus is also the ruler of the Geniture, indicating the potential to be highly appreciated for artistic work. Sun, the general significator of visibility and recognition, rules the Ascendant and is located in the favorable eleventh house. The Sun also forms a sextile to the natural benefic Jupiter, which lingers in the 9th house of media and thus publicity, contributing to international fame. The Sun also trines Saturn in the 7th house. Saturn is in dignity and will not harm the reputation, but it can bring challenges and limitations.
In general, this natal chart promises success and fame. But since nothing is only positive or negative, here we see that this very influential Venus is in partile conjunction with Algol. This fixed star is considered a harmful influence. In addition, Venus is square to Saturn and Mars. Mars is causing trouble as the ruler of the 9th house, Saturn as the ruler of the 7th and 6th houses, indicating possible damage or obstacles to his reputation and career emanating from the media, courts, foreign countries, partnerships, and his own health related habits.
How it all began - the interplay of Uranus and Neptune
Since Depp was not previously accused of domestic violence, let's start with the beginning of his relationship with Amber Heard, which eventually led to this defamation trial. Contrary to my expectation, he began the relationship with her after the astrology period associated with a "midlife crisis." For him, that was 2003 and 2004, when the cycles of Uranus and Neptune reached their opposition and square, respectively.

The year 2011, when he met Heard, shows the solar arc Mercury to Venus and the solar arc Ascendant to Neptune, indicating feelings of love, infatuation, and general uncertainty. Both solar arcs are present as aspects in his natal chart: Venus is conjunct Mercury, and Neptune is square the Leo Ascendant. These challenges in personal development - idealism, vulnerability, and escapism - are challenges that were stirred up again in 2011.

In addition, transiting Uranus formed a conjunction with the Moon/Sun midpoint, urging for change. We can relate this astrological image to the dissolution of his relationship with Vanessa Paradise. Neptune is in aspect with the horizon axis, and we know that the two announced their separation the following year. From this astrological and personal context, Depp began to officially date Amber Heard in 2012.

The astrological backdrop for 2012 is significantly shaped by transiting Neptune in opposition to natal Uranus, which hints at the tendencies of the hazy and confusing urge for change that was strongly awakened by transiting Uranus in 2011.
Fast forward to their wedding, which took place in February 2015: We see here the astrological background, which is not exactly easy for Depp. At the time of the wedding, transiting Uranus formed its final square to the natal Moon in the 6th house and conjunction to Jupiter. The Moon in Depp's natal chart is not only the ruler of the 12th house, but is also in its Detriment in the 6th house of disease and square to Jupiter. This is the astrological signature for substance abuse and addiction and may indicate that drug-related health issues were acute in 2014 and also at the time of the marriage - which was confirmed at trial.
This astrological background differs significantly from when Depp began a relationship with Vanessa Paradise in 1998, which I will not discuss here. It is highly unusual for a marriage. Therefore, when confronted with an astrological picture like this, we should ask our client to explore the reasons for marriage honestly.
First media reports about domestic violence and activated potential of the 10th and 9th of the natal chart
Around the same time, in January 2015, Pluto first entered conjunction with the natal Moon and squared natal Jupiter, maintaining its influence on Johnny Depp's health throughout the year.

In addition, Neptune was transiting the 8th house and was in opposition to the natal Pluto in 2015 and 2016. This constellation indicates financial losses in this natal chart and is also associated with anxiety and emotional pain. Here it coincides with the health deterioration and the death of his mother.

In May 2016, Amber Heard filed for divorce and sought a restraining order. At the same time, videos were leaked to the tabloid TMZ and photos were taken by TMZ paparazzi, which were used as evidence of domestic violence in the court case. That is when claims about Depp's domestic abuse became public for the first time.
Solar arc Venus to natal Uranus exact in April 2016 activated the natal potential of the 10th and 9th house I mentioned earlier, suggesting unexpected and potentially harmful developments. Saturn, the significator of partnership and spouse in his natal chart, arced to natal Jupiter in the 9th house and to the natal Moon in 2016.
The notorious public news was further suggested by transiting Jupiter in the sign of its detriment that formed a square to the natal Sun three times. Uranus was simultaneously traveling through the 9th house and squaring the nodal axis in 2016, adding to ill publicity.
Johnny Depp's first attempt to defend himself: the solar arc Uranus
Fast forward to June 2018, when Depp sued the British "The Sun" after the tabloid referred to him as a "wife beater ."(4) That article, published on 27 or 28 April 2018, led to him being dropped from the "Fantastic Beasts" movie series. This happened against the backdrop of the Solar Arc of Venus to natal Mars at the beginning of 2018. The Mars in his natal horoscope is peregrine in Ptolemy's triplicity table. If we take a Dorothean table, it would have just a weak participating triplicity.
Additionally, Mars is harmed by conjunction with Uranus and makes a trine to natal MC. Venus in this chart bears the influence of Algol. The expectation of this configuration is that it can sometimes exercise its negative impact in the realm of the publishing industry, lawsuits, and international affairs and can affect career and reputation. Because Mars is placed in the 2nd house, the negative impact is also linked to expenses and reduction of personal finances.

Solar arc Mercury, bearing with it the Algol influence, reached Mars by November 2018. This continues the astrological picture of public and legal hostility. Interestingly, Algol in the 10th house has the connotation of "beheading" and "downfall" in traditional astrology. (5) Amber Heard published the Op-Ed (2) in "The Washington Post" in December 2018, where she referred to herself as a survivor of domestic abuse by Johnny Depp, without naming him specifically. This Op-Ed led to Depp filing a lawsuit against Heard in March 2019 and was the subject of the defamation trial.
Throughout 2018, transiting Jupiter in Scorpio squared natal Saturn and made opposition with natal Venus and Mercury. Transiting Mars, the dispositor of Jupiter in Scorpio and natural significator of conflicts, crossed natal constellations involved with career, fame, and media outreach. It hit with challenging aspects Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sun, Jupiter, MC, and Ascendant.

Three months after that article, Depp filed the defamation suit against Amber Heard. (6) The astrological background in 2019 is pretty interesting because it suggests the change of approach to the problem that has plagued Depp since his divorce in 2016.
Solar arc Uranus to natal Pluto placed in the 2nd and conjunct Mars, the 9th house ruler, was exact in January 2019. That has set the stage not only for expenses and financial losses but also for activities aimed at breaking through the pressure and establishing a change.
The change of strategy: the Uranian risk
Another three solar arcs in 2019 support the change of strategy. First, solar Arc Pluto to the Sun suggests a lot of pressure that calls for either action or causes one to be stifled under the weight of circumstances. Next, solar arc Saturn to natal Uranus confirms the suppressing conditions and necessary adjustments. And finally, Pluto arcs to Midheaven, symbolizing significant changes.

We also see that transiting Uranus traveled over Midheaven three times in 2019, while Saturn squared Jupiter in the 9th house. The lawyers who commented on the defamation trial before it began assumed the venture was risky. The Uranian risk was also mirrored in Depp's drive to publicly give his account of events that included many painful and embarrassing intimate information that could have backfired. Simultaneously, throughout 2019, transiting Neptune squared the natal Sun from the 8th house, reinforcing potential problems that elicit general insecurity.
The public court hearing and the Saturn return
And now we fast-forward to 2022, the year Johnny Depp was acquitted of domestic violence charges.
After several delays due to Covid, the trial began two years after the lawsuit was filed, on 12 April 2022, just one day before the exact second Saturn return. Saturn in transit formed a conjunction with natal Saturn, the ruler of the 7th house, twice in 2022 and will meet it for the last time in January 2023. Transiting Uranus formed its final square to the Ascendant in March 2022, indicating a renewal of some sort. Now we understand why this was a new beginning for him and how this year laid the foundation for future developments.

In 2022, Solar Arc Venus reached the North Node in the 12th House and announced that private and hidden issues, including Depp's drug addiction, are about to become public. Solar Arc Mercury will conjunct the natal North Node in early 2023, so the aftermath of the trial and the dirty laundry at the public door may reverberate. However, I expect all issues related to the lawsuit will be resolved in 2023. However, I expect all issues related to the lawsuit will be resolved in 2023.

Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard defamation trial horoscope
If Johnny Depp had sought astrological advice, we as astrologers would have been able to talk to him about the upcoming new beginning, which announced itself independently of the court case, by doing an astrological annual analysis. But with these astrological techniques, we would not have been able to say anything about the outcome of the court case. So instead, we would have needed a horary horoscope or an event horoscope to be able to talk specifically about the trial.
So let's briefly examine the event chart for this defamation trial. First, I researched Tweets of people who were present in the courtroom and found out that the lawsuit began on 12 April 2022 at 10:07 in Fairfax, Virginia.

Johnny Depp and his team are signified by Mercury in Taurus, which has separated from the Combustion and is in the fortunate 11th horscopic place. The defendant, Amber Heard and her team are signified by Jupiter in Pisces in the 10th house, their derived 4th house. This placement is unfavorable, although, at first glance, Jupiter seems stronger than peregrine Mercury. Jupiter is harmed by the exact conjunction with Neptune. In the radical 10th house, Jupiter and Neptune depict celebrity allures and the trial's high publicity. On the level of being the signifcator of the defendant, Neptune brings the potential for self-delusion and can represent a sense of isolation and confusion, but also unscrupulous and deceiving tendencies. Dignified Venus in Pisces close to the cusp of the 10th house is a positive testimony for the plaintiff, and it receives his significator Mercury from the sextile aspect.
The jury, who brought the verdict, is signified by the peregrine Moon at the beginning of the sign. The first aspect the Moon makes is a receiving trine to Mercury which is the testimony of the positive outcome for the plaintiff. Johnny Depp won his case.
You can also read about the liberating influence of Uranus here:
Tina Turner: the Uranus and the call for freedom
(1) Emily D. Baker (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE-laOeM9gLfTcWF4HRBPpA) and Legal Bytes Media (https://www.youtube.com/c/legalbytesmedia)
(2) “Johnny Depp v Amber Heard: New evidence reveals 2016 restraining order threats” NZ Herald
(3) Lay people like me have understood in the course of these proceedings that freedom of speech does not mean the reproduction of false facts that can damage the reputation of others. In such a case, legal action can be taken against the speaker. (The Constitutional Reporter: https://constitutionallawreporter.com/amendment-01/freedom-speech/defamation/)
(4) “Johnny Depp, Amber Heard, and their $50 million defamation suit, explained”, Vox.
(4) Vivian Robson, “Fiksne zvezde i sazvezdja u astrologiji”, Decje novine, Gornji Milanovac 1991.
(6) "Opinion Amber Heard: I spoke up against sexual violence — and faced our culture’s wrath. That has to change.", The Washington Post
(7) “Johnny Depp wins more than $10 million in defamation case against Amber Heard “, Los Angeles Times
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