
The following text is the complete birth chart analysis, published in 1644 in "England's Prophetical Merline" by English astrologer William Lilly (1602-1681). It is also available in German here.
For those who seek astrological advice, this text demonstrates the mindset of a genuine traditional astrologer and his clientele. Pragmatic life considerations are the focus of interest in Lilly's analysis. While he describes character traits and emotions, there is no emphasis on the processes that occur inside the individual and influence behavior, such as motivation, attitudes, and perception. Here we observe the difference between his epoch and our psychological Zeitgeist, in which modern astrology, particularly the psychological branch, aims to increase the range of choices in life through self-knowledge and the transformative power of inner life. Nonetheless, both approaches offer valuable assistance for various life situations.
For astrologers, this text offers first-hand insight into traditional astrological techniques and interpretations. In addition, students of traditional astrology will enjoy the rich symbolic repertoire skillfully applied in the context of the native's reality. For those who wish to explore the depths of their natal chart in an astrological consultation, this text illustrates the pragmatic contribution that traditional astrology makes.
A Gentleman, born in the year 1585. sent me the time of his birth, with some accidents to verify it, and required my judgment; whereupon, having rectified it, and brought the Ascendant to its perfect degree, I sent him the subsequent Discourse.
My first intention is to give a mathematical brief judgment, upon the 12th houses of heaven, which generally represented the whole state, and life of every man, his fortune, honours, preferment, etc. First, I will see, if according to precedent directions, this native have had suitable and proper accidents, such as may naturally be derived, in an artificial [1] way, from those directions, or whether in a measure of time, they jump with any limitation, yea, or not: In both these ways I will see short, holding it fittest to bestow most time upon the remainder of years, this native may happily live, according to the natural course of heaven, etc.
First house. Person, Stature, Condition
For this Native’s corporature, it should be mean, or he of a middle stature, because the latter degrees of a sign Ascend, yet having the Lord of the Ascendant in Cancer, and Sol, and Mars, in friendly Sextile, it should be decent, well composed, not vitiated with any blemish; It denotes a ruddy, and pleasant countenance, lovely, and graceful, nor are the conditions repugnant (opposing) to the feature signified by the platic[2] Sextile of Mercury, and Luna, be very witty, and he docible of good invention, facetious, affable, human, and complemental, somewhat given to jest, by reason of the square of Venus and Luna, he should be hospitable, a great woman's friend, though to his own cost: he should by his own merit and industry rise to preferment; for Gemini, and Virgo, are both the houses of Mercury, the one sign culminating the other ascending: he should love a sedentary life, books and study, and to be free from the cares of this world: a fixed friend himself, though he finds failings in many; but to say truth, he knows how to apply himself for his own benefit, in a rational discreet way, he can be angry, and he will to purpose, for it were strange, if Mars in the Cast Angle [3], should not make him passionate, conceited, and of aspiring high conception, etc.
Second House. Riches, Worldly estate.
His wealth and estate in this world should be very great, the quality of his birth considered, for Spica Virginis on the very Cusp of the second House, promises a bountiful fortune, and that it shall be fixed, and endure to this Native’s death; for Venus, Lady of the second house, is in a fixed sign, and Jupiter a general significator of substance, is with Oculus Tauri, a regal fixed Star, nor is it the least testimony of an ample estate of the goods of this world, that the Native’s part of fortune is in Cancer, in the tenth house, and in partile sextile Aspect with the Moon in Taurus, her exaltation: yet to judge nothing but all honey, were to flatter the Native, do not I see Saturn with his malicious opposition afflicting the cusp of the second out of the eighth, this plainly intimates (states) that the Native shall have his estate impeached (hindered), wasted, and lessened, by the means of the deceased, viz. (namely), either they probates of their Wills, or settling their decayed Estates, or of, or concerning some such engagements, as his dying friends may entrust him with; it bids (asks) him beware of meddling with Mortgages of lands, tenements etc. The fortunes notwithstanding being more prevalent than the malignants [4], here's no cause for the Native to despair of a considerable subsistence during his whole life, etc.
Third House. Kindred, etc.
It imports much kindred, but they not so powerful, or able to live as the Native, for the significator of them being Mars, is disposed by the Lord of the Ascendant: It seems the Native shall be advantageous unto them, regulate them according to his discretion, and will, and wholly order their affairs. Many short journeys he may undertake, both by water and the by land, signified by Scorpio in the third, and Mars in Virgo: The Dragons head somewhat near the Cusp, promises much pleasure in them, but most towards the South, or East quarter from his birth.
Fourth House. Father, Lands, etc. and Inheritances etc.
The father of this Native is signified, partly by Jupiter and Sol, the geniture being Diurnal: and he should have been of good condition, but not provident of the things of this world; for seeing Saturn Lord of the fifth, or substance of the father is in the eight House, peregrine and feeble, I do conjecture the freedom of the father’s heart was such, he left the son no patrimony to be proud of; but Saturn in Aries denotes no such bounty, it’s Sol in Cancer, and Jupiter in Geminis, argue largeness of heart.
Fifth house. Children.
It were folly to treat of children, since the Native was never married, yet do not I find him defective in the acts of Venus, but sufficiently potent; I cannot but think, Venus in the eleventh house, in Quadrate to the Moon, might have afforded him Gentlewomen, not unhandsome, to have (unreadable word) an experiment upon, yet Saturn in the eighth, few would have lived, etc.
Sixth house. Disease etc.
A fortune being Lord of the sixth, and he in the ninth, with a fixed Star, of somewhat an impetuous nature, in sextile with Venus; It imports our Native to have but few sicknesses, and those easily cured by medicine, the diseases may be the wind colic, stone in the reins, fluxes, pain many times in the reins of the back, without any gravel appearing, surfeits and casually violent fevers, the positure of Mars in the Ascendant, may cause much headache accidentally etc.
Seventh house. Women, etc.
Which properly has signification of women, wives, law-suits, partners in any profession etc. I will endeavour by the Rules of Art, to give reasons why this Native has not, or is likely to marry hereafter, etc. Ptolemy, Leovitius, and all the Learned say, if Venus and Luna be in barren signs, the native will hardly marry. Venus is here in Leo Retrograde, one argument of not marriage. The Moon is in Taurus, afflicted by Cauda Draconis, in the eighth house of heaven; these two Planets so constituted, Conjugium negant, aut a conjugio animo alienore reddunt. They deny marriage either at all, or incline men to be more averse from it. The postiture of Mars also in a barren sign, being partly Lord of the seventh, or having much dominion in there, may be some occasion of a single life. Neither is less consideration to be had to Jupiter, who is Lord of part of the seventh house, and he is in a barren sign; so that by the testimonies both of Venus, Luna, and Jupiter, the proper significators of marriage, a single life was designed for him; yet Luna near the Dragons-tail, he cannot have avoided some false aspersion by women's means.
(Note: Lilly skipped the eighth house, which has the significance of death, and remarks later that he will handle this theme with directions.)
Ninth house. Travel, long journeys.
Which designates whether the Native shall travel, yea or not, and with what success , herein we consider especially Mercury, the Moon, and Venus, these Planets do denote some excursions of this Native into foreign parts, and if the success be required from the tenth house, which is the substance obtained by travel, I conceive he obtained what he occasionally sought for, without any let or disturbance, he may have travelled Southward by Sea, from the place he was born in, the Countries subject to Taurus, but especially Geminis, would have suited best with the good Angel of this native etc.
Tenth house. Preferment, estimation, etc
What amongst Nobility is called honour, amongst people that exercise a trade, is termed reputation, estimation, credit, and like etc. Having the Sun, Mercury, and part of fortune in the tenth, and the Moon Dispositor of the Sun, in her exaltation, I cannot but pronounce, that the native shall exceed in fame and repute, and in the goods of fortune most of his Ancestors: he shall have high esteem among the best sort of people wheresoever he shall live, and according to the degree of his birth, live in a glorious, and illustrious way. The profession the native has formerly used, may be derived from Mercury, and Luna, who signify a profession wherein a voluble tongue may be exercised, and for the kinds of it, in such things as are delightful to women, etc. I forbear particulars, because my friend is living, etc.
Eleventh house. Friends, and friendship.
It may signify that our Native shall have the acquaintance, and friendship of many persons of good quality, both Courtiers and Citizens; those signified by Venus, may prove real but unable, those by Sun mutable, those by the Moon, she being in Square to the Cusp of the eleventh, and especially women, unprofitable, burdensome, and never satisfied. I should have mentioned both the Hyleg and Alcohoden [5], and have spoken of death, captivity etc. But I forbear this till I judge the directions.
The Authors judgment upon many directions, since the Natives birth to this year,1641
In the first year of his Age, the Ascendant coming to the body of Mars, might cause the Measles, or Smallpox, some windiness in the bowels, impeding his health for a time, but the other directions at the same time, being under the terms [6] of the benevolent, caused a restoring to former health. The year following, about July 1591, the Sun coming to the Square of the Moon, might import some impeachment to the eyes, and some cold reums [7] to descend into them, whereby the Native might for a time be distempered; It's also points out some infirmness to the mother, if she were then living, which I conceive she was.
Individual annual forcastHe had the measles, etc. but remembers not the year.
In the year of our lord 1596 the occurs of the Moon to the Dragons tail in a bestial sign, might intimate some sudden accident should have hurt the Native, either on the head, arms, neck, or shoulders, or some four footed beast by violence, have endangered the members above said, or else by the fall of some rustical, and bestial material, but the Sextile out of Mercury happening in the same degree and the minute the direction falls in, Mercury being Lord of the Ascendant, some Mechanical man should have lessened this accident, and then annihilated the aforesaid malevolent radiation.
He really confessed, a Cart wheel had like to have fallen upon him, but that Wheelwright standing by prevented it.
About the 16. year of his age, the Medium Coeli coming to the body of Mercury, and some other directions to the terms of Saturn, it's probable the Native came to London to be a servant, and to endeavour for preferment in his profession, Mercury being the Promittor [8] denotes it might be good and profitable.
This is really true, as himself tells me.
During the time of service, much cannot be expected, saving that about the year 1605. the Ascendant meeting with a square Aspect of Mercury, might declare some difficulty in his Accompts [9], and some frowardness [10] in his Matter, and immediately after a journey beyond the Seas.
He then travelled into France, etc. Nor was the rest false.
About or in the 26. of his age, the Midheaven coming to the Square of Saturn, declare a turbulent and unquiet year, and years unto the Native, by the aspersions (attack on reputation) of some malevolent vulgar people: years of much affliction and discontent, years of much expense of substance unexpectedly, some detriment in his profession, by such as he dealt, or negotiated with.
This proved to be true but in what nature I forbear, etc.
About the 27. year, the Sun directed to the Trine of Saturn, might cause a reconciliation of former differences, and great expressions of love from an aged Citizen, or a rich widow: and now the part [of] fortune, coming to the body of the Sun, might cause the City to take notice of his Trading, and manner of living; It begot very good acquaintance, much increase in wealth, and prosperity in all worldly affairs, nor do I see any contradiction to this happiness, unless some fall form a Horse, about June 1611 might endanger his safety etc.
I remember not what answer was given to this.
From the year 1611. to the 36. of his age, he should live in great happiness, have the proffer of many fair Gentlewoman, delight in horses, and horsemanship, in Music, History, and all delightful studies he should have plentiful trading, feast, and be feasted, live jovially and merrily.
This was so.
But in 1620. the Ascendant coming to the Opposition of Saturn, both Promittor, and Direction being Malignant, it might cause some Melancholy humours [11] to abound, much ventosity [12] all over the body, a great weakness in the back, backsliding in estate, by some mortgage, or means of evil servants, much troubled to get in Debts, many Lawsuits, much labour to get in the goods of some deceased party, or creditors: It denotes ill digestion, a weak stomach. This year was enough to undo many a man by losses, and other casualties incident to such a Direction.
He confessed both of the sickness in the parts of the body named, and the rest of the Accidents to have fallen out exactly.
In the year 1625. the Moon coming to a Sextile of Jupiter, a principal significator of Preferment; It might incline the Native to aspire to some better preferment, then at present he had; it should give him some notable Office in the Commonwealth, to the Natives credit, but no increment of wealth; for although this Aspect is very good, yet was it not of sufficient fortitude, to effect what immediately succeeded; it produced our Native, or would so do, some familiarity with a person of honour, and intimates familiarity with a learned Lawyer; it denotes divers motions for a wife, etc.
Those are acknowledged.
In July 1626. being complete 41. years of age, the Sun was directed to a Trine of the Moon, and Medium Coeli to a Sextile of Jupiter, near the Cusp of the 11. house. Now he had a good office. By this accident I rectified the whole Nativity.
From the time of his access to Office, till this present 1641. some memorable accidents must have happened, which purposely I pass over. I conceive the Medium Coeli to the body of Venus 1628. and Currant 43. of age, might intimate some assaies [13] to a young Gentlewoman, and might offer opportunity of marriage.
This was true.
When the Ascendant 1636. and 52. of his age came into Scorpio, and therein to an opposition of the Moon: It would design some infirmness in those members represented by Scorpio. This was so, virulent effluxon of matter issuing Ex partibus predictis. But in November, the Moon coming to the terms of Venus, by benefit of medicine he was cured. He was subject to Surfets that year upon small occasion.
In the 54. year of his age, Part [of] Fortune coming to the terms of Mars, in the last degrees of Leo, and Pisces being the Ascendant in the profectional figure [14], some slimy flegmatique humours were stirred up, and caused some obstructions into small guts, and much pain in those parts, but the Jupiter being then in benevolent place, all things by benefit of medicine came to a good conclusion.
This was also true.
I now pass to the remainder of years yet unexpired.
1644. passes without any Annual directions, wherefore the Action of this year must participate in the nature of what preceded in 1642. and 1643.
1645. Part of Fortune comes to the terms of Mercury, whereby its intimated (made known), the Native will be solicitous to procure in moneys, either formerly lent, or to acquire some more to add to his former Bank: but forasmuch as Mercury is Lord of the 12. house, as well as of the first, it points out some cunning fellow or other indebted unto the Native, will delay payment of what is justly due. Mercury represents Secretaries, Lean men.
Climacterical [15] year beginning 1647. 9 July, 21. hours P.M. Year 63
The 20 of Virgo is ascending in the Revolution, Mars in 21° of degrees of the sign. This year being many times fatal, requires consideration of all the five Hylegical places [16], of the Revolution, yearly Profection, auspicious, and unfortunate Transits, and whatsoever the Artist can do for happy direction of the Native, and the better prevention of Casualties depending upon that year. Medium Coeli and the Sun come both to the terms of Mars, here's probability of distemper in the body, principally occasioned by choler [17] and vexation of the spirits about some kinsman, whereby the humours are depraved, and so in July, upon or near the day of birth, the distemper may be at its height: the Native shall do well, if in April 1647. he feels any symptoms of such like a disease, or find any craziness to appear, let him take advice of the learned Physician, and have such medicine prescribed, as my lessen choler, and melancholy*; and he may conveniently take his physick the 19. and 20. April 1647. The bowels of small guts seem to be burdened with vicious excrescencies, etc. He will have some fits of the stone, and passions of the wind cholic, griping of the bowels, etc. That's because Mercury, Lord of the Ascendant in the Revolution, is going to Conjunction of Jupiter, and is in the very degree of Venus at the birth, I doubt not, but the Native by means of such a Physician as is represented by Jupiter, Will diminish the force of the influence, and so evade any sickness of long continuance, which is also foreseen by the position of the Moon in Pisces, a bicorporal and common sign: The native is desired very little to credit Ecclesiastical man with a matter of money; nor will it be helpful to travel into the South-West of England this year.
The Native is premonished to be careful of himself, these following days, 1647.
15. August. The Ascendant by profection comes to the body of Mars, beware of anger, of watery places, be not stirring too early in the morning, least foggy mists cause stopping, and venomous airs to get into the body.
14 October. Come Not on Horseback, or amongst Cattle, avoid stables, out-houses, deal not in any old house-hold stuff: the Moon than comes to the Dragons Tail.
27. October. The Sun comes to the body of Venus; the Native, may be a cheerful and fear not, nay his heart will be merry. Some society with a good Gentlewoman, etc. or entertained at a good Lady's house.
17. March. Part of Fortune comes to a Trine of the Moon; some woman pays in money formerly borrowed; some small present from loving neighbour.
2. April 1648. The Ascendant comes to opposition of Saturn. The native for two or three days falls into vain fears, that an old acquaintance lately dead, died so poor he shall lose by him: time makes it appear there was no cause, for if the general in infelicity of England [18] at that time hinder not F, the native regains his money with advantage: For I find after the 15. August, Jupiter is Divisor of the remainder of the year, and that Venus has dominion of the Alfridary, both of which considered, induce me to judge that the native shall happily evade any infirmness, or casualty depending on this Climacteric year, and also overcome any difficulty incident unto him upon any directions.
The 64. year, beginning July, 1648.
Wherein the Ascendant comes to the Dragons head and to a Trine of Mercury, 3. Febr. 1648. and to the terms of Mercury May 1649. The first aspect is equivalent to a Fortune, both put together, in effect, tell the Native so much, that like a man escaped out of some small danger, he rejoices, and solaces himself at a kinsman or friends house; though now in years, here's probability of a journey beyond Seas; or into the remote parts of this Kingdom: the native will be much employed in taking accounts, perusing reckonings, reconciling many disagreeing neighbours, and friends; he may be careful in settling some estate upon a kinsman, and shall more than many years before be conversant with Lawyers, Clerks, Secretaries of Estate: the Aspects denote, not only, an extraordinary acquisition of substance, and money, but some public employment from the States, or from that person, or those persons of greatest quality, where he shall than reside, unexpectedly some new beneficial and material preferment. It's probably like to be a year of great action unto the native; wherein not withstanding he is advised to be very careful: Because in the 65. year, and 1649. September 24. Part of Fortune coming to the square of Jupiter, some Gentleman, or Statist of quality will disturb him in his proceedings, or question his actions. The adversary is more words than matter; it's for a Debt owning that this man's malice appears so great: yet things seem to be reconciled by an honest Divine, and so the native again follows his employment, which yet continue. In December 1649. the Moon coming to the terms of Mars, steers up some choleric matter, and causes a little weakness in the eyes, for a day or two, after which, the remainder of the year passes without more than common accidents.
Some years have no directions.
1652. Being entered the sixty and eighth year of age, Part of Fortune comes to the terms of Venus, which intimates little more than a healthful continuation, and some small increase of a temporal estate, a continuance of former employments.
The 70. year of Age, which begins 10. July 1654 ending July 1655.
The Moon now comes to the degree culminating [20]; to a man active and desirous of preferment, this direction would perform it. It intimates health, estimation (reputation), respect and what not unto the native, that his age, or place are capable of in a very high measure: Aged Ladies and Gentlewomen visit to native. The man in the highest authority near his habitation, will much respect him. Some new preferment, or removal for better.
In November 1645. the Sun comes to his own Sextile, showing a cheerful old man, and that nature by art doth much comfort life, with convenient Cordials.[21]
In April 1655. the Sun comes to the degree ascending at birth, which reconciles some stubborn adversary, and now as the Sun becomes more powerful, and more near to our northern Clime (climate), so the native becomes more lively, and passes his time with greater tranquility of mind, enjoying in a plentiful manner all those contentment the world affords to a private man; which is the more increased by the coming of the Medium Coeli to the Trine of the Moon.
The native shall find this year somewhat formidable to the City of London, by reason of a great plague, and shall also hear wonders out of Italy, the Pope beginning to be ruined: there will also in diverse Countries of Europe break out suddenly such actions, as shell astonish the living etc. I have considered the Revolution of this year, which only gives the native caution, to avoid crude (unrefined) and raw fruits.
71. year of age, beginning 10. July 1655. ending 1656.
The Sun in December 1655. comes to the terms of Saturn, who at the birth being ill posited, may stir up some clownish fellows to contest with the native, it provokes the native to waspishness, care, and the melancholy, some slight infirmness is sensibly perceived, he cannot be always young:
The native takes cold, and is therefore vexed (annoyed, frustrated) with cough all the winter, and abundance of spittle, reume descends into the right eye: but the spring approaching, and the profectional Figure being benevolent, the Sun, and Mercury devolved to the place of the Moon, and Venus to the place of Jupiter, and the Dragons head to the sign Horoscopating, the native is admonished to change his air, by benefit whereof he grows lively, and lusty according to the measure of his age.
72. year, from July 1656. to July 1657.
The Part of Fortune meets with the Sextile of Mercury, the day of his birth, going on the 72 years of age: It promises some Annual increase of his revenues, and getting in of former lent moneys, it invites to a purchase, moderate health is foreseen; it provokes to devotion more than formerly, it invites to a settling of estate: The profectional Figure presents Mercury in his own house, Venus in Cancer, the Moon in Aries: He is afflicted at the death of a friend; the times vex (frustrate) the native, he is doubtful how to provide for one; he fears in vain; let him serve God, the place God puts him in at the beginning of the year will be secure.
73. year [22] and probably, like to be the last year of Natives life, from July 1657. to July 1658.
The profectional Figure of this year being the same of the birth, the Native must return to the place from which she came, viz. to the earth. Not, that the profection absolutely do signify such a thing, but the concurring of two interficient [23] directions in one and the same year, and almost month, make me confident of the great danger the native will be in this year.
In September 1657. the Moon comes to the square of Mars; the same Month the Medium Coeli to a square of Jupiter; in November the Sun being Hyleg, and the temporal light at the birth meets with the body of Mars, who is Promittor to both Significators. At the fall of the leaf, the native becomes ill, and is oppressed with the wind colic, but striving to be rid of that, and his Medicines not operating to purpose, it puts the native into a Fever, of which, about 5. of December 1657. according to natural causes, he ought to die. I positively conclude not his death, for that’s only in the hands of God.
For the measure of time in Directions, I have followed the rule of Naibod, who allows for one degree of the Aequator one year and 5. days, and 8. hours, and for every minute six days and 4. hours: This measure of time Maginus prefers before that of his own in his Primum mobile, fol. 52. The Ancients did give for every degree one year, and for every minute six days: let everyone use that measure of time he finds most truth in; I do verily believe Naibods to be most exact. The Learned in Art, must pardon me for performing this Nativity so slenderly, I have made it plain of purpose, and omitted all terms of Art, and the Directions, which would have been troublesome, had they be inserted by the Printer; for our Nation seldom Print any things of Astrology: I remember not anything of this Subject printed since Dariot 1598. Such as it is, receive, either with love, or disdain, thou that art ignorant: for I value thee not.
[1] Artificial: skilful
[2] Platic sextile is a sextile within moiety of two planets, but not within the same degree nor exact;
[3] Cast Angle. The 1st house of the calculated horoscope
[4] Fortunes…malignants. Planets which exert a benefic or malefic influence
[5] Hyleg and Alcohoden. Hyleg is the planet that gives vitality. There are certain conditions that a planet has to fulfil to be a Hyleg. Ptolemy and Bonatti provide slightly different criteria. Alcohoden is the planet that provides the most support for the Hyleg and is used for calculating the life span. To be an Alcohoden a planet has to fulfil many conditions that differ across the traditional literature.
[6] Terms. This refers to one of five essential dignities of the planet, from which the power and the nature of influence are derived.
[7] Reums, rheum: mainly literary a watery fluid that collects in or drips from the nose or eyes.
[8] Promittor is the active element in direction, determinig the nature of the event. Ganstein, Martin, Primary Directions, Glossary; Wessex Astrologer (2009); p.179.
[9] Accompt: (archaic) Account.
[10] Forwardness, from froward: as in mischievous;
[11] Melancholy humors. One of the four humors from Galenic medicine. The other are choler, blood and phlegm. When they are in balance, the body is healthy, while an imbalance of the humors leads to disease. Choler is also called yellow bile and has hot and dry properties. Black bile is another name for melancholic humor with dry and cold properties. Blood is the sanguine humor with moist and hot qualities. Phlegm is bodily humor with cold and moist qualities.
[12] Ventosity (obsolete): flatulence or its cause.
[13] Assay (archaic): trial, attempt.
[14] Profectional figure. Profection is a traditional forecasting technique in which the birth chart advances by one sign of the zodiac each year, with all the houses and all the planets and points moving from their original positions to the next sign of the zodiac. It continues in this manner for each subsequent year of life until the age of 12, when, due to the nature of the zodiac, the same signs as in the birth chart are reached. Then, the rotation continues for the rest of the life, whereby every 12 years, the birth positions repeat. The planets, four angles and the points in the annual profection can be further directed for each month and day.
[15] Climacterical. Climacteric years are critical years. Lilly refers to the climacteric years as the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th, 42nd years of life and so on in 7-year increments. The 7-year increments are derived from Saturn and its 4th harmonic aspects to the natal positions. In addition, Lilly also considers as critical the years in which a malefic forms an aspect of the 4th harmonic to the Sun, Moon or Ascendant.
[16] Five hylegical places are Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven and Part of Fortune. They are all related to considerations of vitality and health. Ibn Ezra uses Syzygy (point of the prenatal new or full moon) instead of Midheaven.
[17] See footnote 11
[18] The general in infelicity of England. That was the time of the civil war in England (1642 to 1652) between Royalists and Parliamentarians.
[19] Alfridary. The planet that rules any given septennial period of human life, according to The Century Dictionary; although Lilly may here refer to Firdaria, a system of time lords, where seven planets, and in some systems also south and north node, are distributed across the life span as Time Lords;
[20] Degree culminating is Medium Coeli.
[21] Cordials: any medicine which increases strength, dispels languor and promotes cheerfulness. (The century Dictionary)
[22] Lilly most likely considered the 72nd birthday as 72 completed years of life, which means entering the 73rd year of life. Below is the profectional wheel with life years.
[23] Interficient. from Latin. "interficiens": killing, destroying
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