You are about to read analyses of 5 horary horoscopes for love-related questions:
• On Moving in Together with a Partner
• On the Possibility of Relationship Improvement
• On the Potential of a New Romantic Relationship
• On the Future Prospects of an Existing Relationship
• On Decision in a Matter of Love
In two older blog posts, I have demonstrated the comparison of natal charts between partners and how it can give deep insights into compatibility and challenges in a relationship and help better understand the people we live with or relate intimately to. You can read “Astrological interpretation of a brake up” and “Staying together astrologically” by clicking on the link in the title.
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Natal and annual horoscope, horary astrology with the Viennese astrologer Tanja Ristovski. Online consultations available.
The longevity of a relationship can be assumed from the compatibility of psychological needs, and the periods of tension can be accurately captured with annual forecast, yet horary astrology can provide additional valuable insights. While it cannot override the natal chart, which captures personalities and individual perspectives of a couple, it can answer relationship questions in situations where compatibility assessment may not be available or appropriate for various reasons.
In addition to the yes or no answers to a question, the horary horoscope can also reveal details about the situation that cannot be identified using other astrological techniques. These details are often helpful signposts for constructive steps that can be taken to address the problem, even if the answer is negative.
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On Moving in Together with a Partner
Querent wanted to know if she should move in with her boyfriend, which would require her to give up her current apartment. If it turned out she and her boyfriend were not suited to living together or the relationship failed for another reason, she worried that it would be difficult to find an apartment as suitable as the one she already had.

The querent is represented by Venus in Taurus in the eighth house. Venus is under the Sunbeams but separates from the Sun in the seventh house. This indicates a person who basically feels secure and comfortable in their own skin, but is worried and overwhelmed.
The Moon in the second house hints to the financial aspect of her apartment concern. Its zero-degree position signifies that issue with the apartment had just newly emerged. The Moon as co-significator of the querent separates from Jupiter, which is on the cusp of the fifth house and is the dispositor of the Moon. That shifts focus to sexuality which seems to be relevant for the relationship and to the question.
The significator of the partner is Mars, the ruler of the 7th house. Mars has just entered the sign of its Fall (1) and separated from trine to Jupiter in the 5th house. The separating nature of Moon’s and Mars’ aspect with Jupiter suggests that passion between the partners has waned. Mars in Cancer in a cadent house implies that the boyfriend is caught by some difficulty, probably unrelated to relationship, is frustrated and feels unable to change that.
Most importantly, there is no aspect between the significators of the 1st and 7th houses, nor a planet that translates or collects the light between them. This is the argument that the relationship between the two is unlikely to last. Furthermore, the Sun in the 7th house is disposed by Venus, the querent’s significator. They are within the orb but without having perfected the aspect previously. That implies that the querent might have been interested in someone other than her boyfriend.
Saturn, the significator of the querent’s apartment, is in the sign of its Domicile (2) in the 4th house, indicating the good quality of the apartment. The Sun's translation of light from Venus to Saturn suggests that the potential interest in another man could influence her decision to keep the apartment and not to move in with her boyfriend.
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Explore your natal chart and individuall annual forcast. Make use of horary astrology. Astrological consultation with Viennese astrologer Tanja Ristovski. Online consultations available.Pluto on the IC suggests some pressure related to the situation. The only aspect Pluto makes is separating sextile from the Moon, indicating a past event that still resonates. Interestingly, the Sun of the horary chart was conjunct Venus in the natal chart, the significator of love.
After presenting the horoscope analysis, I advised the querent against moving in with her boyfriend at this time. She agreed that it was better not to rush into a decision that could lead to the loss of the apartment she loved. She also confirmed other aspects of the analysis, including that her boyfriend pressured her to move in together in the hopes of improving their relationship.
On the Possibility of Relationship Improvement
The querent wanted to know if she should give the long-term relationship another chance. She had moved out of the shared apartment four days earlier, which is depicted by the moon at 4°, and was now questioning her decision.
Mercury signifies the querent. It is weak in Pisces (3), placed in the 6th house, indicating frustration and a sense of limited choices. It is also likely that although the querent has asked the question, she does not really want to continue the relationship.(4)

On the other hand, the partner's situation is more positive, which is indicated by Jupiter in essential dignity, as it is strong in the angle and placed in the house it rules. Despite being combust, Jupiter disposes of the Sun. This affliction suggests that the partner may have suffered under the separation but did not feel the need to change. The four degrees of aspect separation correspond to approximately four days. With Neptune in the 7th house and the Sun ruling the radical 12th house, the combustion of Jupiter suggests the possibility of secret moves or pretense. The Sun's rulership of the 6th house turned from the 7th house, suggests the possibility of a health condition or an unhealthy habit of the partner. Nevertheless, the position of Jupiter in an angular house symbolizes that the partner is in a more favorable situation than the querent and has more scope for proactive action.
Venus, the natural significator of love, is besieged (5), a testimony of a relationship that was no longer mutually supportive and loving. Its close conjunction with Mars, the ruler of the 3rd house, suggests that disagreements and heated arguments were at that time a significant part of the relationship. The Moon, essentially dignified and in the 10th house of profession, has a square to the Sun as the only applying aspect within the orb. This symbolism indicates that the querent's professional issues also play a role and could be part of the differences with the partner.
I shared the horoscope's symbolism with the querent, telling her it was unlikely that the relationship would become better. She confirmed the analysis and disclosed additional details accurately reflected in the horary symbolism.
On the Potential of a New Romantic Relationship
The querent felt confident about mutual feelings but began questioning the future of the relationship that lasted for several months. The Moon in Gemini signifies the querent, while essentially dignified Saturn signifies the boyfriend. The Moon and its weak peregrine status suggest that the querent is sensitive, emotional, and peace-loving, prone to being satisfied with less (6), and more eager for the relationship to work. Saturn in Aquarius symbolically suggests a reserved, serious person, possibly a critical one (7), who dominates the relationship and is generally ready to commit.

The Moon's position in 11th house indicates the querent's high hopes about the relationship. Pluto's opposition to Ascendant is a testimony of fixation or some stressful element in the relationship. Saturn, on the cusp of the 8th house, separates from the conjunction with the Sun but is still combust. Sun in the 8th rules also the turned 8th house of the partner. The combustion of Saturn and the double symbolism of the 8th house suggest the possibility of overwhelming melancholy, as the ancient astrologers would say. The separating aspect between Saturn and the Sun indicates that the relationship started when the boyfriend had an acute crisis.
Venus, as a general significator of love, is in triplicity and suggests positive emotions. Still, the cadent house where it is placed indicates there is little room for relationship development. Saturn is the dispositor of Venus, so the outcome of the relationship largely depends on the boyfriend. Mercury, placed in the 7th house, is the ruler of the 3rd and a natural significator of communication. It disposes of the Moon and applies to Pluto, indicating significantly impaired communication.
With no contact between the two main significators, the horoscope does not promise the continuation of the relationship. But it reveals the incompatibility between the partners: one is hopeful with high expectations, and the other is stricken by worries and anxiety. Nevertheless, the Moon approaches the square to dignified Jupiter. Despite the relationship not working out and the querent feeling lost presently, with little effort, she will soon emotionally recover.
The querent confirmed the horary chart symbolism and the recent lack of response from the boyfriend, which, in fact, prompted her to ask the question. That clarified the symbolism of prominent Pluto. The interesting marginal note is that Neptune from the horary chart was on the client's natal MC in a square with her natal Moon. This reflected her hopes based on the emotional swoon, not on the reality of the situation.
On the Future Prospects of an Existing Relationship
The querent wanted her boyfriend to move in with. He didn't seem enthusiastic about the idea, so she asked this question. The early degree at the Ascendant indicates that the question is about a new development, which the querent may not wholly understand (8). The querent's significator is debilitated Mercury in Pisces, located in the seventh house under the Sun's rays. The significator of the boyfriend is Jupiter. It is in the domicile in Pisces, but is combust in the 8th house and the dispositor of Mercury.

The querent is portrayed as someone who is much more invested in the relationship than the other party, but is acting ineffectively or inappropriately. The boyfriend is portrayed as someone who has recently gone through a crisis but nevertheless feels self-confident. The Sun rules the radical 12th house and obscures Jupiter, which applies to conjunct Neptune. With Moon in the 12th house, this suggests that the boyfriend has plans that he has not disclosed yet, corroborating the symbolism of the early Ascendant. With both luminaries in the dark houses, the querent may never learn what the plans are. The Mercury in the mute sign and the Moon in the 12th house indicate that communication in this relationship is poor.
In summary, the querent's partner is portrayed as avoidant, more interested in his work and finances than in the relationship - Jupiter is placed in the turned 2nd and rules the turned 10th house. Moon separates from Venus and applies in opposition to Saturn, sealing the judgment that this relationship will fail.
The querent was warned about the possibility of avoidant behavior and the low chances that the relationship would continue, and was encouraged to seek a conversation and clarification. Two months later, she reported that boyfriend had ended the relationship.
Interestingly, the Saturn of the horary chart conjuncts the natal Venus, which corroborates the sorrow of the horary Moon in the 12th house and its applying aspect to melancholy Saturn. Jupiter, the significator of the partner, is conjunct the Moon in the natal chart. Natal Mars hovers over the 7th cusp of the horary, while natal Saturn over the 4th cusp. These connections not only prove the horary chart's radicality but also reiterate the heartache of an unsuccessful relationship.
On Decision in a Matter of Love
The question of breaking up has occupied the querent after two months in his still young relationship. The Moon on the late degree of Leo in the first house separates from the Sun, which symbolizes the querent. The Sun is also square the Ascendant. This indicates that the querent has an inner conflict. However, the late degree of the Moon indicates that he had already decided to make the change.

Saturn in Aquarius, placed on the cusp of the 7th house, signifies the girlfriend. Saturn opposes the Ascendant tightly, implying that the girlfriend stifles the querent in some way. Saturn in Domicile represents her as sober, serious, perhaps melancholy, and more dedicated to the relationship than the querent, who is represented by the peregrine Sun and Moon.
The Sun has separated from the square with Saturn, and the Moon has separated from opposition to Saturn. The separating nature of aspects between the two main significators and the Moon is a testimony that the relationship will not continue.
The querent confirmed the analysis and reported later that he ended the relationship soon after. It is interesting to note that natal Uranus made a conjunction with the horary Descendant, while natal Jupiter formed a conjunction with the MC, which is the image of separation and liberation.
Although these five short studies on love issues have a negative outcome, the symbolism outlines the factors in relationships that, when considered, provide clues for constructive thought and action. I plan to present questions with a positive outcome in one of my next posts.
(1) Cancer is the sign of the Fall of Mars, where its action is impaired.
(2) Aquarius is the domicile of Saturn, it is the sign that Saturn rules.
(3) Pisces is the sign that opposes Virgo, the sign that Mercury rules and in which he is also exalted. Therefore, Pisces is the sign of his detriment and fall.
(4) Lilly, W., Christian Astrology (hereafter CA); Astrology Center of America (2004);
(5) "Besieged" is the term for a planet that is between two malefics and is therefore accidentally afflicited.
(6) CA.
(7) CA.
(7) CA.
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