I do not live in Vienna. Can I still make a consultation with you?
Yes. If you live far away or if you cannot visit for any other reason, I offer video consultations using Skype. Please read hier details about Skype consultation.
How do you cast a horoscope?
For constructing a horoscope three pieces of information are needed - date, exact time and place of birth.
I am not sure if the information about my birth time is correct.
Regardless weather you are sure about your birth time or not, I use an astrological technique to verify it before we meet for counseling.
Experience has demonstrated that birth times are usually rounded or that other factors in the moment of birth influence the glance at the watch. This inaccuracy can lead to incorrect astrological statements.
Therefore it is very important for me to ascertain that your birth time is exact, to rectify it or to acknowledge it as imprecise, so that consequently I can make the best possible analysis of your horoscope.
I do not know the time of my birth? Is it still possible to cast a horoscope for me?
It is possible indeed to make some statements according to the birth date only, but exact birth time is required for holistic analysis. If you do not know the time of your birth, or you are not sure of it, it is possible to determine it by exploring your major life events. This demands an extra amount of work for casting a horoscope. Extra work time and fees depend on the time span that needs to be considered.
How often should I see an astrologer?
Sometimes, immediately after the consultation or some time later, new questions may emerge that you would like to delve deeper into. Sometimes the circumstances change and you might want to examine the new situation more closely. Most of my clients come to see me once or twice a year. Some clients prefer to have ongoing astrological support during challengeing times. Because each single horoscope delivers multilayered information it can be viewed from many different perspectives and with different emphasis.
How do I make an appointment?
You can reach me by phone at 0680 23 93 673 (from abroad +43 1 680 23 93 673) or you can send me an E-Mail using the contact form to arrange an appointment and to pass your birth data.
After I have calculated and evaluated your horoscope on the basis of an accurate date, time and place of birth, we can meet for a personal consultation in Zollergasse 37 in Vienna. Skype consultations are possible as well.
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Please send your question via contact form. If it is of general interest for the site visitors I will add it here.
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