It's not just recently, but for a long time now, that the terms "astrology" and "horoscope" have been outright misused. As mindless entertainment or lifestyle pastime, free horoscopes are springing up like mushrooms, whether on the Internet or in magazines. Esoteric portals that have become real corporations falsely sell dubious practices under the name "astrology" and degrade it even more. You've probably read a million times "What does your zodiac sign reveal about you?" or "Which zodiac signs do go together?" and the like.
What is wrong with that?
Did you know that the zodiac signs are the sections of the ecliptic, the path that the Sun follows in its apparent orbit around the earth? 1) And that the Moon and the eight planets of the solar system are important in astrology too? 4) They also move along the ecliptic through the zodiac and can be found in all twelve zodiac signs, just like the Sun. And that's not all. Astrologers also consider the angular relationships between the planets, the Sun, and the Moon, that are formed as they move along the ecliptic. Last but not least, they consider the place and the time for a horoscope, which results in the division into twelve astrological houses. Roughly speaking, there are 39 2) individual factors that constitute a horoscope. They combine with each other and require careful analysis and synthesis as well, for a meaningful interpretation of the "heavenly writing", as it was understood in the antique Babylon.
It is not only simplified
Your "star sign" is actually the Sun and its position on the ecliptic on the day of your birth. The Sun Sign Astrology seeks only two out of 39 factors and their combinations, to judge about a whole person and many areas of life. Even if it may be possible to read in the newspaper horoscope column something that matches how you see or feel yourself - that's either a sheer coincidence or a suggestively written text. That is not a horoscope, your horoscope even less.
Specific information, not suggestive talk
Astrology is not a suggestive manipulation, that you may or may not like. When you seek astrological advice from reputable astrologers, she or he takes all factors of a horoscope into account and the statements derived from that are always concrete. As a client of mine summarized after the consultation: "There were no empty phrases, but very precise information about my general situation and about upcoming trends. The information was so specific and above all correct that it really surprised me a lot. "