Astrologin in Wien Tanja Ristovski Astrologer Tanja Ristovski in Vienna

How can astrology help you?

When can astrology help you?

Astrological Counseling specialized in parent-child relationship, partnership and life planning

Author Tanja Ristovski
29 Mar 2025 | ©2009 - 2025  Tanja Ristovski
Astrological Counseling in Vienna

Wann hilft astrologische Beratung
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Wann hilft astrologische Beratung
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Do you have questions regarding your relationship, career, or family? Are you at a turning point in your life, and would you like to gain clarity about whether you are on the right path or how to proceed?

I am an internationally certified astrologer based in Vienna. I have been offering offline and online astrological consultations since 2009. Please read about my credentials and me on the page "Astrologer Tanja Ristovski".

I combine psychological and traditional astrology to best answer your questions. My clients say that I am direct and, at the same time, appreciative and supportive. (You can read here some excerpts from the feedback I was authorized to publish.)

I see it as my duty to help you deal constructively with your strengths and weaknesses. I will never tell you anything just to please you or make you happy.

All the information I take from your horoscope and share with you is there to help you better understand your situation or your concern. Astrology can be a powerful tool for insight, self-knowledge and life planning, and that's how we should use it! Only in this way can astrological counseling help you discover new perspectives, gain clarity, and bring guidance and support for many life- and future-oriented questions.  

Below is a brief overview of situations where astrology and I can help you:

  • If you want to understand better current developments in your professional or private life and the connections between them
  • If changes in your life are imminent or have already begun and you want to explore possibilities and perspectives
  • If you want to clarify tendencies in the coming year and opportunities that present themselves

Annual horoscope consultation: clarity and orientation

  • If you have questions about your career and want to identify professional areas that meet your needs or gain new insights about your potential or personal challenges

Birth chart: in-depth astrological analysis

  • If you have only one specific question about your job, your partnership, your home, or another topic

Horary: One-Question-Astrology

  • If you have questions about your children and want to examine their personality, needs, and professional inclinations from the perspective of astrology
  • If you want to look at your teenage child's development from a different perspective and identify personal issues and dynamic forces in his or her horoscope

Youth horoscope: holistic analysis for the self-discovery phase

  • If you want to remain open to your child's unique nature and determine if your expectations or perceptions are getting in the way

Children's horoscope: holistic analysis

  • If you have questions about your partnership, want to know how you harmonize with your partner, where the challenges lie, and how a good relationship can succeed.

Partner horoscope: comprehensive analysis of relationship dynamics

  • If you want to explore the dynamics of relationships in your family, see with fresh eyes how you influence each other and get new ideas for dealing with challenges

Parent-child horoscope: comprehensive analysis of relationship dynamics

What can you expect in an astrological consultation with me?

My astrological consultation goes beyond a description of personal characteristics! It captures interconnected life areas and dynamics resulting from individual needs and environmental influences. During the consultation, present circumstances are clarified in the light of individual development. After only one session, you will be able to look at challenges, yourself, or your loved ones with a fresh eye!

The consultations are based on a deep conversation and take into account your personal experiences. The interpretations are value-free, and there is no such thing as a good or bad constellation. I do not use astrological jargon - you will only hear clear specific statements from a holistic point of view.

Which horoscope types do I use for my consultations?

Depending on your concerns, I use one of the following types of horoscopes or combine them to illuminate what interests you in the best way:

Natal chart
Annual horoscope
Horary horoscope
Children's horoscope
Youth horoscope
Parent-child horoscope
Partner horoscope

When is the best time for astrological consultation?

Only you can determine the best time for a consultation. Many of my clients come to see me once a year to explore the time trends and time quality for the next 12 months, and to clarify their plans and questions. The others come when changes in personal, professional, and other areas in life are taking place and they want to have light shed on them astrologically. Sometimes someone is about to break out of a status quo and wants to explore the possibilities and options that arise. Or when they want to gain new insights into personal development, their disposition and potential.

How often should I seek astrological advice?

Sometimes further questions arise immediately after a consultation, or at a later point in time, that you would like to discuss. Sometimes circumstances change and you want to examine the new situation and new needs. I work with most clients on a semi-annual or annual basis. Some clients prefer ongoing astrological support during challenging times. Each horoscope conveys complex information and can be viewed from different perspectives and with different focuses.

I don't live in Vienna. Can I still get advice from you?

Yes. If you live far away, if your time is very short or if you cannot come to my counseling room for other reasons, I offer you the option of online counseling or counseling by phone. Read details about online consultation here.

How do I make an appointment?

Contact me by phone on 0680 23 93 673 (from abroad +43 1 680 23 93 673) or via the contact form to make an appointment and provide your date of birth.

How do you calculate a horoscope?

Three pieces of information are needed to calculate a horoscope: date, exact time (hour and minute) and place of birth. After I have created and evaluated your horoscope based on your exact date of birth (date of birth, place of birth and time of birth), we will meet for a personal conversation at Zollergasse 37 in Vienna. Online consultations via Skype or other programs are also possible.

I am not sure if the information I have about the time of my birth is correct.

Regardless of whether you can tell with certainty your time of birth or not, I use astrological techniques to check the accuracy of the time of birth before we meet.

Experience has shown that the time of birth in the birth certificate is often rounded up, or that other factors affect the view of the watch at the time of birth. This inaccuracy can lead to incorrect astrological statements. It is therefore important to me to determine your birth time either as the exact time, to correct it or to take note of it as inaccurate, in order to make the best possible analysis of your horoscope.

I do not know my time of birth. Is it still possible to calculate my horoscope?

Although some statements can be made based on the date of birth, the exact time is necessary for a holistic view of the person. If you do not know your time of birth, it is still possible to calculate the exact time based on the data of important life events. This takes significantly more time when calculating the horoscope. Additional time and the fee depend upon the time that must be taken into account.