Astrologin in Wien Tanja Ristovski Astrologer Tanja Ristovski in Vienna

Online consultations

If you live far away from Vienna or for any other reason prefer to have a consultation by Skype

How are Skype consultations organized?

You can reach me by phone at 0680 23 93 673 (from abroad +43 680 23 93 673) or you can send me an E-Mail using the contact form to arrange an appointment and to pass your birth data. Choose the option "via Skype" in the contact form.

We will arrange an appointment and you will get my Skype name. Once you have made your payment, we can "meet" online at a scheduled time.

Technical requirements for Skype consultation

You need Skype, a software application that enables users to make video calls over the Internet for free. You also have to be signed up for the Skype services. If you do not have a Skype account, you can easily create one on the Skype website:

Your computer needs following components in order to make a video call: camera, headset and Internet connection with sufficient bandwidth. You can obtain further information on the Skype website.

© Tanja Ristovski